Saturday 18 January 2020

Automobile industry is still struggling to solve out these problem

We all are aware that everyday life without a car is impossible, because they provide a common means of transportation, whether it is for longer commute to work or a shorter trip to run errands around town.

Apart from this benefits, it still led to some unsolved problems

Safety: For many people, appearance, as well as performance, has always been the first criteria for buying a new car. But the safety of the car is also extremely important. Just as this is a very important factor in buying a new car, it is also very important when buying a used car as well. Because so many road accident takes too many lives in the USA every day.

Air Pollution.
Besides electric solutions, internal combustion engines still pollute the air no matter how efficient.

Energy waste.
More than 70% of the fuel used in engines goes to waste. Its vast majority transforms into heat while the staying 30% is real mechanical vitality.

Manufacturers have lowered their vehicle quality. Because old Toyotas from the 80’s will never equal to what Toyota makes now. Back then they were so functional and lasting.

Absence of Improvement.
If you can analyze a 1998 Subaru STI with a 2018 Subaru STI, you will find 0 mechanical differences. Same port injection. Same ECU. Same block. Same transmission. Same everything. It’s hardly changes but not the same identically. And it’s the same for every other vehicle. Manufacturers don’t know what to do to innovate cars anymore.

Lower Control over vehicle
Advancement in technology is good for the most part. Technology is great. In any case, since everything is finished with the press of a button, we barely have authority over our vehicles. Controlling is now done in an electric manner. Throttles are likewise electric. AWD is electric. Everything is more electrical than mechanical. We truly don't have a lot of control when we drive present day autos. They thoroughly take care of us. There are a few special cases yet it sucks to see that everything is helped now.

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